Our Philosophy

Wellbeing - Hauora


The concept of well-being encompasses the physical, mental and emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health. This concept is recognised by the World Health Organisation.


Hauora is a Māori philosophy of health unique to New Zealand. It comprises taha tinana, taha hinengaro, taha whanau, and taha wairua.


Four Pillars

Each of these four dimensions of hauora influences and supports the others. 

Taha tinana - Physical well-being

the physical body, its growth, development, and ability to move, and ways of caring for it

Taha hinengaro - Mental and emotional well-being

coherent thinking processes, acknowledging and expressing thoughts and feelings and responding constructively

Taha whanau - Social well-being

family relationships, friendships, and other interpersonal relationships; feelings of belonging, compassion, and caring; and social support

Taha wairua - Spiritual well-being

the values and beliefs that determine the way people live, the search for meaning and purpose in life, and personal identity and self-awareness (For some individuals and communities, spiritual well-being is linked to a particular religion; for others, it is not.)

Dr Mason Durie's whare tapawha model compares hauora to the four walls of a whare, each wall representing a different dimension: taha wairua (the spiritual side); taha hinengaro (thoughts and feelings); taha tinana (the physical side); and taha whanau (family). All four dimensions are necessary for strength and symmetry.

Source: https://health.tki.org.nz/Teaching-in-HPE/Health-and-PE-in-the-NZC/Health-and-PE-in-the-NZC-1999/Underlying-concepts/Well-being-hauora

With our food we will support the physical well-being.

We want to create a community here of like-minded individuals sharing knowledge around well-being in all four pillars. This is supporting the social well-being but also all other areas.

Creating an atmosphere of positivity, respect, and understanding we will take care of mental and emotional well-being.

We welcome all spiritual beliefs and understand that feeling the connection to source is important for us not only to look after ourselves and each other but also our environment.

All of these pillars are interconnected and influence each other and improving one of the pillars will generally have a positive effect on the others.